As our four-week People and Politics project comes to an end, DMJX’s international students of Fall 2022 have created this website to showcase our hard work produced from our travels.
Meet the International News Reporting Team of Fall 2022.

Sofie Rønnelund is your local Danish correspondent. She chose to stay in her country in order to report something locally, but from an international angle. Her favorite question is why, and she likes exploring the bigger picture.
Being a Dane herself, and having spent time with foreign students – who are now close friends – she has become extremely aware of the Danish drinking culture.
“We have talked about it alot. My international friends have been quite taken aback by the way we drink here – and it has forced me to zoom out and look at the culture differently. That’s why I chose to go with this story.”
Thea Landsverk and Andrine Myklebust
Thea Charlotte Landsverk and Andrine Gald Myklebust are Norwegian journalism students from Volda University College. Extroverted, outgoing and curious may describe us best. With Andrine´s creative sense and Thea´s reflective nature, we make a good journalistic team.

For the past year, pandemics, cold wars and electricity crisis have affected out everyday lives. “Prepping” has become an increasingly popular phenomenon. We want you, as a reader, to reflect around prepping, the goods and the bads. Taking you into the world of “Preppers” we want out reader question whether prepping actually is exaggeration put into play or if it is the new lifestyle for all of us? The title of our article is therefore, no surprise; Prepping: an act of exaggeration or the new lifestyle?

Meet the Switzerland team, this is the jovial Dominique on the left and the beaming Olivia on the right. We would describe our working method as ‘spontaneous, descriptive and out there’. Furthermore, we have visited four cities in the wonderful and snowy Switzerland.
Read about our work on child abuse cases in Switzerland and what impact the Swiss Child Protection survey has created. We emphasize the topic of underreported stories and include the itty-bitty details in our exciting human-interest piece. The title of our piece is SWISS SURVEY REVEALS ALARMING STATISTICS THAT AFFECT A SWISS CHILD’S LIFE. Go ahead and have a scroll.

Team Bosnia & Herzegovina consists of Oskar Rask Hjorth, a Danish student studying the international course at his home school and Glen Barclay, a Scottish student from Aberdeen. We are efficient and ruthless in our execution of tasks to move onto matters of partying.
We chose a matter of ethnical division within the former Yugoslav country BiH with a focus towards their youth population. Speaking to a wide range of sources we garnered a huge sense of perspective during our travel window and have honed our journalistic nouse throughout the International Course. Our article is titled – Bosnia: Healing ethnic divisions

Eternity reporting for team Malta, a Scottish Student from Aberdeenshire foreign reporting from Valletta, Malta. I would say I am thorough, emotive and descriptive in my work, but you can judge that for yourself.
The stories describing the treatment of minorities and migrants in Malta and the European Union delve into the reasons behind xenophobia on the island and how attitudes are changing over time. I spoke to a range of sources, such as human rights lawyers, photojournalists, lecturers, NGOs, activists and even migrants themselves who arrived in Malta irregularly by boat. To find out more, read the article: ‘Migration in Malta: How the Southern European country faces a turning point in its criminalisation of refugees.‘

Katarina is a journalism student in London,UK. Originally from Slovakia, she travelled back to her home country to report on the segregation of Roma children in the Slovak education system.
For many years the country has been facing with an issue with segregation of Roma children in local schools. Roma children are segregated into special or Roma-only schools because of their so called “mild mental disabilities” based on reports from psychologists in the country. While being segregated they receive low-quality education, according to European Roma Rights Centre. This also creates a negative image of Roma children and widens the gap between Roma children and non-Roma children. If you would like to read more on the issue of segregation in Slovakia, please read my recently published article: Segregation of Roma children in schools: a challenge for Slovakia.

Rach and Ernie form team Serbia and Kosovo! Ernst is from Namibia (and possibly the first Namibian to visit Kosovo) and Rachel is from Australia. While they function better in a warmer climate, they had a great time exploring the Balkans to produce their article. They loved the people, and the cheap beers!
Their story focuses on the role of community organisations in easing tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. Is it up to the people to mend the divide? Or does the responsibility lie with the Governments? Find out more at:
Natasha Pearce and Alessandra Iellamo

Natasha Pearce and Alessandra Iellamo from team Poland! Natasha is from England and Alessandra is from Italy.
Their stories delve into the societal impacts from the current abortion legislation in Poland. The legislation is causing unrest in Polish society with mass protests ending with women arrested and taken to court. In this scenario, the youth are a crucial element as they are the ones trying to make a change in the country. Find out more at:

Team Estonia consists of Jorik Simonides, a Dutch student from Hoorn, and Ander Dacosta, a Spanish student from the Basque Country.
We travelled to Estonia to report from Narva, the third biggest city in Estonia which is next to the border with Russia to talk about the language discussion there is there between Estonian and Russian, because despite being Estonia most of its population speak Russian, and also find out the reasons why there are no Russian refugees there. Our articles are called: How Estonia is connecting east and west by using language, and how that could be debatable and There are no Russian refugees in Narva, and here is why.

Anton and Sig traveled to the middle of the North Atlantic to cover the Faroese Parliamentary Elections and their extension of the fishery deal with Russia. A certain Minister of Fisheries admitted to doing an oopsie, and we had dinner with one of our journalistic heroes. We also managed to squeeze in a pub crawl.